Executive Committee:
Micki Heskett – overall group lead
Ann-Marie Cascarino – finance
Paola Di Meo – routes
Clementine Drackett – membership
Amy Grace – website/tech/chief of staff
Jen Iannazzo – half-marathon lead
Miki Neant – routes
Erin Roth – routes
Beginner Group coaches:
Amy Grace – lead
Ann-Marie Cascarino
Judy Coleman
Micki Heskett
Pace Group Leaders:
There are several women in each group who will be pace group leaders for the long run. They’ll help keep the group together, which will be increasingly important as we do more longer runs and/or new routes. But please remember that everyone is responsible for generally knowing the route, not just the leaders.
The time listed is the training pace, not the race pace.
The “Eights” Group (8:00-9:00 min/mile) – Leaders: Stephanie Gladis and Kelli Willis
The “Nines” Group (9:00-9:45 min/mile) – Leaders: Clementine Drackett, Emily Duffy, Roni Fransis and Micki Heskett
The “Tens” Group (10-10:45 min/mile) – Leaders: Amy Grace, Jane Novak and Antonia Townshend
The “Elevens” Group (10:45-12:00 min/mile) – Leaders: Veena Gopal, Shakha Mehta and Anne Scolari
The “Twelves” Group (12:00-13:00 min/mile) – Leaders: Carol Osborne, Fernanda Spinelli and Bhavna Rawla
The Galloway Method – Leaders: Tamar Brooks and Krista Sensurucu
President Emeritus – Jane Novak
Founder – Paula Mitchell
We are on Facebook and Instagram! Search for Women Running the World and request to join the group.