Hello Runners!
A week in the sun! We had some dazzling runs this week– and Monday may have been the most perfect running weather we’ve ever had for our run to Kew Gardens! Of course, I do realise that ‘perfect running conditions’ is a pretty subjective notion, so if you were missing the rainy cold from some previous years’ pilgrimages… well, don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get more of that running weather in coming weeks! But this week it was wonderful to see so many of you hanging out after the run at Kew, and to hear the cheers as successive waves of runners rolled in. Congratulations on a great run! Next year we should probably warn the village when our invasion is about to happen!
Running this Week. It’s Race Week for everyone going to Berlin! That means we take it pretty easy this week on the official runs. Monday we have a flat 7 miles to Tower Hill. This is the by-now familiar Borough Market run extended along the Thames to and across Tower Bridge to finish at the Tower of London. (Have a look around as they may be working on the Superbloom project, filling the moat with wildflowers in honor of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee– and we have a return run scheduled for June!). On Wednesday we will take the Regents Park Inner and Outer Circle route for a relaxed 5 miles. Friday is travel day for many runners going to Berlin, as is next Monday, for return trips. If you are in London, organise running buddies and routes via the Whatsapp chats. If you are new to the group and not yet in a pace group whatsapp chat, just let us know, or tell the pace leaders you’ve been running with. We want everyone to be able to stay connected!
Shoutouts and Announcements. Thanks again to Magali for organising our coffee last week at Regents Bar and Kitchen. It was great to have some time to hang out with everyone on the terrace! If you were there, you already know that kitmaster Marissa has managed to procure a small stash of navy WRW running hats, which are available for £25. Email Marissa to purchase. Thank you also to Carmine Najjar for stepping in as substitute kit rep for the day last Wednesday!
Once again, if you haven’t already done so, please let Melissa Kay know TODAY if you will be leaving London at the end of the school year. As much as we don’t like to think about it, we do want the chance to give some love to our “leavers” at the half marathon celebration. Don’t miss the chance to be included.
And finally, a really important announcement and shoutout. Most of us are aware that Ukrainian refugees are flowing into Berlin in great numbers, even as we prepare to travel there for our event. Jennifer Egsgard stepped up to search out what avenues might exist for us, as individuals, to consider helping with the crisis. Along with Shannon Ashton and Marissa O’Malia, Jennifer has put together an information sheet on how we can help, with websites, contacts and instructions for financial or in-kind donations for the refugees in Berlin. The information sheet is included as an attachment below. Thank you to these ladies, for their big hearts, and for doing this important legwork!
Looking ahead. Next week is travel and recovery week for those who’ve just run in Berlin. The regular e-mail will not arrive on Sunday, but on Monday. See the schedule below for what’s in store for the next couple of weeks, and some highlights beyond:
Monday, April 4: most Berlin runners return later in the day. There will be no official WRW route, but use your whatsapp to make a plan!
Wednesday, April 6: Easy-paced 4-mile route to Whole Foods Kensington. Some runners may prefer to rest another day, and others can easily lengthen the route in the park.
Friday, April 8: Borough Market ‘first-Friday’ run. Even though it’s not the first Friday. Maybe April Fools didn’t count??
April 11- 18: ASL Spring Break, and no official WRW schedule.
April 25: Olympic Park via the canal (9 miles), or Coal Drop Yards via the canal (5 miles)
May 9: Hampton Court Adventure Run (8 miles)
May 16: Alexandra Palace Adventure Run (5 miles, to Finsbury Park finish)
Happy Mothering Sunday to all the Moms in the group! I hope your people will find a way to celebrate you today (and help make up for that rude loss of an hour’s sleep last night!). Whether or not you are a mom, and whether or not others celebrate you today, you are all extraordinary women who nurture and care for the people in your lives– including each other. I hope you will take a moment to acknowledge that about yourselves today, and maybe even to spoil yourself a little bit!
I’ll see you in the park tomorrow for a beautiful run to one of London’s iconic sights– we really are so lucky we get to run in such an amazing backyard! Enjoy the rest of the weekend…
xx Micki
Monday 28 March – Tower Hill (7 miles)
RunGo: https://routes.rungoapp.com/route/eckLcQj4pf
Today we will be running across, along and back across the Thames, and in and around some of the oldest parts of London. The sights will be stunning! If you don’t want to do the full 7 miles, you can simply end at Borough Market for 6 miles, or stop at Westminster for 4 miles.
We start off as though we are running to Borough Market— down Grove End and into Hyde Park, under Wellington Arch, along Green Park, through St James Park and towards Big Ben then across Westminster Bridge. At the end of Westminster Bridge, exit left down the stairs and run along the Thames Path past the London Eye, Royal Festival Hall, Blackfriars Bridge, Tate Modern, Shakespeare’s Globe to the Golden Hinde, admiring all the landmarks as you trod past. Follow the walkway to the right of the Golden Hinde and at the junction with Southwark Cathedral, turn sharp left and follow Montague Close, passing through the tunnel. You are now on Tooley Street. Shortly, you will see a Legible London standing road sign for Tooley St/London Bridge (photo below) – turn left and go through the passage to meet up with Queen’s Walk/Thames Path. Turn right onto the walk. Continue on the Thames Path past the HMS Belfast, City Hall and Potters Fields, to Tower Bridge. Climb the stairs up to the Bridge (don’t go under the Bridge), then run across Tower Bridge (the views!), continuing past the Tower of London (more views!) until you reach the stairs down to Tower of London Park. Take the stairs down and follow the paved path along the park. Just past the park is a junction in the path-turn right to run in a tunnel under Tower Hill Road, past part of the original London Wall and up to the Tower Hill tube station. Now, think of all the history you’ve witnessed in just 7 miles!

Wednesday 30 March – Regent’s Park Inner/Outer Circle (5 miles)
RunGo: https://routes.rungoapp.com/route/BoeFK1Khvv
From the Church Gardens head down past the church and turn left onto Prince Albert Road. Run to the pedestrian crossing where we will cross and head to the Outer Circle. Turn right and run on the inside of the circle past Winfield House which will be on your left. Continue around the OuterCircle until you reach the traffic light at intersection with York Bridge. Turn left and proceed to the Inner Circle. Run one complete loop of the Inner Circle and back out across York Bridge where we will take a left and continue on Ulster Terrace which is part of the Outer Circle. At the next large intersection take a left and continue on the Outer Circle, heading north back towards the Zoo and Camden. Pass the entrance to the Zoo on your left and continue to the bridge at North Gate which we will cross to reach Charlbert Street. Run up Charlbert Street until St John’s Terrace where we turn left and run back to the High Street for a stretch before heading to Starbucks or Pret.
Note – you can make this a 4 mile run by cutting out the inner loop.

Friday 1 April – route of your choice if you’re not heading off to Berlin
Check in with your pace group to see who is around to run!