Hi all!
Looking forward to another great week of running with you. This week for our long run we have a 8-mile loop south through Hyde Park and then following Sloane Street to Pimlico and back home. (There’s also a 6-mile option.) We’re continuing our tempo work and this week we have a “diamond” run in Regents Park on the schedule. Make sure you read the description below in the route section. Remember that a tempo run will be shorter in time – tempo runs should last 45-60 minutes and the speed work sessions should be 25-40 minutes. Less is more! I know that speed work can be difficult, so try to stick together as a group and cheer each other on. It really does help!
German Trip Update-
I’m getting very excited about our upcoming trip! We’re continuing to finalise the details for all aspects of the weekend and make commitments based on our current numbers. If for whatever reason your plans have changed and you’re not going to be able to join us, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks so much!
ENERGY GELS for training and the race-
Looking ahead to our longest training runs, it is time to start to think about what type of gel or fueling you’ll use during the race. Fueling is different for each runner but I’ll give you some of Paula’s general guidelines. The rule of thumb is that after about 80-90 minutes of running you’ll have used up natural fuel sources and you’ll need to top up the tank with something. (That is based on our type of running, if someone is running a marathon at a 6 min/mile pace, their fueling needs will be different!) Most of the women in the group use some sort of sports gel. If you have never used a sports gel before it is crucial that you try it out during some of our long training runs. The gels are very concentrated so a brand that might work well for one person could make another person feel sick. Below are some recommendations from members of the group. It is worth stocking up now so you’ll have them for our longest runs. You can go to a Runner’s Need store or order them on the internet. Amazon also has a good stock. (If you have some leftovers at home, make sure to check the expiration date because they don’t last forever.)
Amy – GU Energy, Tri-Berry
Jen – GU Energy, Mint Chocolate
Syma – TORQ, Forest Fruits
Linda – GU Roctane (has caffeine), Blueberry Pomegranate
Vicky – Clif Shot Bloks, Berry or Orange
We’ll review this again before our longest runs, but in general during a race you would take a gel somewhere between 7-8 miles and then don’t take another one for 35-45 mins. (Don’t be tempted to take more than one gel in 30 mins! – you’ll need to keep an eye on your watch.) If you don’t want to get into too much of the science of it all, Paula recommends that you take a gel at 8 miles during the race if you’re running at a medium pace for you (not as compared to anyone else) or 7 miles if you’re running fast for you. For me, during training, I will take a gel around 7-8 mile mark of a 10-mile run. Even if I don’t feel that I desperately need it at that point, it helps me feel better at the end of run, and helps me practice taking a gel. If you are interested in learning more about fueling, gels and the different brands, CLICK HERE to read Paula’s full note from last year.
Keep running!
Monday, 27 January Base Conditioning Run
8 Miles: Sloane St/Victoria Stn Loop
Head the normal way to Hyde Park and along the east [left] side to Hyde Park Corner. Turn left on the Carriage Drive and exit left out of the park, across Knightsbridge and head right to Sloane Street. Follow Sloane St south to Pimlico Street and make a left. Continue left onto Buckingham Palace Road, then left again on Grosvenor Gardens [near Victoria Stn]. Head back up to Hyde Park, exit at the Animal War Memorial onto Upper Brook Street, then left on Park Street and follow this home as it changes names, all the way to SJW Starbucks.

Alternative: 6 Miles: Hyde Park/Bond Street Shopping
Start with the full group and run to Hyde Park, following the east path to Hyde Park Corner. Cross through Wellington Arch into Green Park and run across the northern edge of Green Park, exit the park and continue on Piccadilly to New Bond Street, where you turn left. Take New Bond Street to Oxford Street, then zig zag left then right onto Marylebone Lane. Take this until it meets with Marylebone High Street and continue to Marylebone Road, make a left, then a right at the light [York Bridge] and enter left into Regents Park just beyond the Ring Road. Follow the path along the lake, then exit by the Mosque onto Park Road, take a right and head to Starbucks.

Wednesday, 29 January Tempo ‘Diamond’ Run
We are continuing with our focused tempo running on Wednesdays. This week we will do ‘diamonds’—they are fast but also fast to be done with so give them a try!
Head over to Regents Park, the normal way [down Wellington Road, left at the SJW Church roundabout, cross the zebra crossing before the High Street and enter Park at the Charlbert Entrance]. Enter the Park and veer to the left path. When you reach the first intersection with the other sidewalk, it is time to turn on your running jets. You will run hard for 1 minute, then recover by running slowly for 3 minutes; then run hard for 2 minutes and recover by running slowly for 3 minutes; then run hard for 3 minutes, recover run slowly for 3 minutes; run hard for 2 minutes, recover run slowly for 3 minutes and finally run hard for 1 minutes, recover run slowly for 3 minutes.
The ‘diamond’ looks like this:
1 minute hard 3 minutes jogging recovery
2 minutes hard 3 minutes jogging recovery
3 minutes hard 3 minutes jogging recovery
2 minutes hard 3 minutes jogging recovery
1 minute hard 3 minutes jogging recovery
If you need to extend the amount of time for the jogging recovery, that’s fine, you can jog up to twice the amount of the hard run time [so 6 minutes max recovery jog for the 3 min hard run]
This type of running is best down within the park so you don’t have to contend with driveways etc. If you find you need more mileage in Regents Park, just keep looping however you see fit.

Friday 31 January – The Heath
It’s Friday again, so everyone up Fitzjohn’s. You can pick your distance and whatever you choose, there will certainly be someone else interested in running that distance. All of these routes are on the website.
In addition, every week there are a group of women who prefer to do a flat run. We can help make sure that you find each other.
4 miles: A great way to ease into running the hill. Run up to the Hampstead tube station and back.
5 miles: The Betsy Route
6-7 miles: The partial Heath route
8 miles: The full Heath route
Click here for maps of all of the Heath routes.
Website: https://womenrunningtheworld.commm
Facebook Group: Women Running The World (request to join)
Email: [email protected]
Time to start thinking about your energy needs during the half marathon. What is your favourite?
27 – 31 January Running Info

Saturday, January 25, 2014
