2018-19 Beginners Week 10

Hi all,
I want to talk a little about start times and the Tuesday runs.  We encourage you all to run together on Tuesday because it’s good from a timing perspective (a day of rest between runs) and it’s easier to commit to being there when you have a regular schedule.  But it is up to the group to organise it.  I would recommend, given the number of you, that you set some expectations and start times so that everyone is aware, but you should stick to them so no one is surprised.  As it gets colder (and boy it was cold this morning!!), you should not be waiting around much after your warm up because your muscles will start to stiffen.  However, you should be doing the full 5 – 6 minutes of warm up because that is what will prevent injuries.  With the cold weather starting, that warm up will be even more important.  I know it is tempting to rush through it, but please please trust me when I say it is worth those 5 minutes!
Also, please please do not answer any texts or What’sApp messages while you are running!!  That is just asking for an injury as you trip over something on the sidewalk!
On Thursdays, the expectation is that we gather at 8:15 to be ready to begin the warmup at 8:20.  The warm up takes 5 – 6 minutes so we expect we will leave no earlier than 8:25.  If you are running a minute or two late, please text me (07780 588 447) and we should be able to have a coach wait for you.
If anyone has any questions or concerns about this, please let me know.
This Week and Future Runs
We have a jump up in time intervals this week but don’t be nervous – you can do it!  You are all doing so well.  If you are worried about the time, or feel tired during the run, just slow down.  We’re not in a hurry!
Question for you all – how do you feel about destination runs versus loops back to SJW?  A friend has been doing some new destination runs that are just about the right length for us.  I’d love to try them out, but I want to be sensitive to your time since it will take longer to get back home.  So can you let me know what you think?
We will do our annual Holiday Lights run on Thursday 6 December.  This is a very special run – we will leave at 6 am and run down to Oxford and Regent Streets and see the London holiday lights in all their glory.  You can make it back home by 7:15 if you have a shorter run (last year, the group split and those who wanted the full run for the week went a little longer).  I want to give you enough time to make arrangements with your family if you have younger kids.  This is a run that is not to be missed!
Adding A Run on the Weekend
I know some of you have started adding in an extra run on the weekend.  This is the time for all of you to start doing that if you haven’t already.  This will really help you continue to build your stamina and will make the runs during the week easier.  In general, you don’t want to run a longer segment on the weekend than we are doing during the week – so if you ran next weekend, it shouldn’t have segments longer than 10 minutes.  The run should be no more than 30-35 total minutes including walk time.  Pay attention to your pace, too, so you don’t go too fast.  Your muscles have been building so you can add that third run, but we don’t want you to push too much and get injured.  As we run longer segments, it will become more important to have that extra run on the weekend so the longer runs during the week aren’t so tiring.
Eating Before the Run
Some of you have asked about eating before the run.  In general, it is good to have something in your stomach before you run, but not too much.  The key for all of you is to experiment.  A little later, as we are running for longer, I will send a long, information-packed email put together by WRW’s founder, Paula, on the science and theory behind what to eat before and after a run.  But I don’t think we need that level of detail yet.  For now, you should be trying different things to see what works for you because everyone is different.  Personally, I usually have a yogurt or a banana along with coffee and whole milk.  It’s enough to keep my stomach from grumbling and will give me a little energy, but won’t sit like a lump.  I know other runners like oatmeal or a smoothie or maybe half a bagel with cream cheese.  The important thing is to have something.  As we start to run longer, you will need a little more energy and it’s good to start trying things now.
Also, most of you will experience an increased appetite as a result of this training.  That is normal.  Many runners will say they didn’t lose a pound when they started running.  Usually it’s because you’re hungrier with increased activity levels, so you eat more.  Generally, women don’t lose or gain weight in training, but they have more energy, they can eat more and often digestive issues disappear.  
Let us know if you have any questions about any of this!
See you all on Thursday,