Hello Runners,
OK, it’s official…. this is the strongest beginners group we’ve ever had. You girls are fabulous! We’re doing extremely well and are right on track with our training program. I love this photo – look how happy everyone looks! We’ve gotten to a point where it will be very difficult for anyone to join the group. It’s near impossible for a beginner to step into 7 or 8 minute jogging intervals – so this is our group (plus those who weren’t there on the day). Over the next few weeks, we’ll probably start to notice a bit of pace differential within the group. This is fine and it’s to be expected. Each of us have individual gaits/running-styles and we have a natural pace. Those with a faster cadence (foot turn-over) or a longer stride need to start migrating to the front of the pack. It’s very important that you run your natural pace – if you are a faster runner and you slow down your pace, the action of “putting on your brakes” can cause knee and hip pain. I know that can be hard when you’ve grown used to running beside your closest friends in the group. The majority of this year’s group has a similar pace but we do have some faster and slower runners. This isn’t a contest so don’t worry about where you fall into the group!!!! Find your own pace. Follow Kavita’s lead! She’s doing a brilliant job of maintaining her own, individual pace. She’s doing exactly what I’m asking you to do – she’s found her own pace and is sticking with it.
Running Group T-shirts:
Our t-shirt order is ready to go in! Please check this google doc to make sure your order is correct – Click here for the link Kelli will be closing the edit function on the document at midnight on Monday night. Whatever is in the document at that time is our order. Check your details. Kelli and I have input/updated some payment information and size changes per your requests. I hope we didn’t make any mistakes, but if we did…. this is your last chance to catch it before the order is placed. If you have not made payment and have not spoken with me about that, please confirm that you do want a t-shirt. I’m happy to sort out finances later but I don’t want to order a shirt for you if you’ve changed your mind.
Bratislava – Race registration is now open. It’s far from simple but it can be done. I tried doing it in English and the system hung up at step 2. In Slovak, it worked but I had to input a Slovakian zip code (try using 811 02 – just like that with a space between the 811 and the 02) with my London address. I can’t explain why but it’s the only way I could get it to work. It looks like there is no free shirt in our goodie bags. If you want a race shirt, you have to order one (€16) when you are signing up for the race. There is no rush to register so maybe I could bring my laptop to Bonnie’s house on 15 November and everyone could just line up and register for the race. Once you see someone else do it, it’s easier (easier but not easy!!!!). The cost of the race is €24 payable by credit card online. The cost slightly increases after 31 December.
If you go ahead and register before 15 November, please input your club name as: WRW London (Women Running the World) so the race director will know that you are part of our group. Also, when it asks for your fastest half-marathon time, leave that field blank.
I’m out-of-town from Thursday, 25 October, until Sunday night, 4 November, so will miss two runs with the group. I’m soooooo sad about that!!! I promise Syma, Bonnie and Betsy will take good care of you. On Thursday, 25 October, Darcy Fautz will be a guest coach for the day. Darcy trains with our Mon/Wed/Fri groups. She’s done a couple of half-marathons and a full marathon. Ask her for any tips/suggestions/training info; just like our other coaches, she’s a great source of information.
On Tuesday, feel free to repeat the run to Big Ben or to do the running/walking intervals in Regents Park or on the canal.

Next Thursday, 25 October, Syma will lead you down to Hyde Park and the following week, 1 November, the route will probably be along the canal. In case you are not able to run with the group on Thursday (25th), the map to the right is the approximate route. This is a great route to learn – once you can comfortably get down to Hyde Park, the running world is open to you! Hyde Park is huge. It gives us lots of route options. I’ll be back running with you on Thursday, 8 November. I’m was thinking we could do a run to Whole Foods on Kensington High Street. It’s a great place to finish a run. Whoever is available – stay for coffee and/or grocery shopping!
Just to summarize our upcoming routes:
25 Oct – Hyde Park
1 Nov – canal past Camden
8 Nov – Whole Foods
15 Nov – loop to finish at Bonnie’s
22 Nov – Thanksgiving
29 Nov – ???
6 Dec – Runner’s Need in Holborn
Ladies, thank you so much for joining our group! You are all fabulous and I’m loving getting to know you. Please email or call if you have any questions or concerns. I’ll be out of touch completely from 26 October through 5 November while I’m away racing. If anything urgent comes up while I’m out-of-town, please contact Syma Qattan.
Happy Running!