Hello Beginners!
Thank you again to Jen for hosting such a lovely coffee last week. We have such an amazing group of women this year. You are all working so hard and supporting each other every day.
It is hard to believe that this week we will be up to an 80 minute run! As we mentioned last week, please make sure you have the right “equipment”. If you have not been to Runners Need to get your new running shoes, please do so asap.
Many of our runners will be on the Alice Leader class this week and will be doing the long run on Wednesday. For those of you running on Wednesday, we will meet at ASL at 8:05 and hit the road no later than 8:10. We will start right away with the run so please make sure you do your 5 minute walk before we run. We will hope to be back to Barclays around 9:40.
Please reply to this email and let Meg know if you would like to join on the Wednesday run. The route is attached below.
Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you Wednesday or Thursday!
Meg and Vicky

Beginner Note 31 Jan 2015
Saturday, January 31, 2015