Well done last week! That was a big jump up in time – going from 7 minute to 10 minute segments. That’s HUGE! I know it was hard, but you did it! This week we will increase our intervals up to 12 minutes. If you hadn’t noticed, we are increasing our time faster now so it is so important to make sure you are getting at least the Tues/Thurs (or substitute days) in and it will be much easier on you if you are doing that third run on the weekend. It will be easy to suddenly feel like you’re falling behind and we don’t want that to happen!
Some of you may be away for ISSTs (the high school end of the season sports tournaments for those of you without ASL high schoolers) this week so just try to get the run in when you can.
Don’t forget to keep it SLOW on Tuesdays. You can get an app for your phone – I recommend MapMyRun, Strava or RunKeeper – that will track how fast you are running. You should be running between a 12:30 and 13:30 minute mile at the most (and it is completely fine to be slower). I would recommend that one person be in charge of the timing for Tuesdays and another person keep track of the speed. You should pause the app when you walk so you’re accurately timing the run portion. For your weekend run, it’s OK to go a bit faster because it’s for a shorter time and distance. But don’t kill yourselves!
Thank you for the responses about destination runs. Most of you wanted about a 50/50 split so I’ve created a schedule between now and winter break that incorporates that for the most part. Here is the tentative schedule until winter break:
8 Nov – destination – Covent Garden
15 Nov – loop back to SJW – Notting Hill
22 Nov – ASL Thanksgiving – I will be here to run if others are, route TBD
29 Nov – destination – Green Park via Hyde Park
6 Dec – holiday lights run (6 am start)
13 Dec – loop back to SJW
For the 2 destinations, we are ending where there is a good-sized place for coffee for those who can hang out a bit.
See you Thursday!
This week’s route:
Head down Circus and turn left on Lisson Grove. Follow Lisson Grove to Marylebone Road and then continue on Seymour Place until it ends. Turn right, cross Edgware Road and turn right on Stanhope Place and enter Hyde Park. After crossing N Carriage Drive, turn left and then curve right at Speaker’s Corner to run down the east edge of the park. Exit at the south entrance, crossing the street and running through the Wellington Arch and into Green Park. Run straight through until you reach The Mall. Turn left and run down The Mall all the way to Trafalgar Square. Run up the east (right) side of Trafalgar Square and turn right onto William IV Street, shortly after St Martin-in-the-Fields. Take a left onto Chandos Place and another left on to Bedford Street and finally a right onto Henrietta Street to reach Covent Garden. Le Pain Quotidien is close to the London Transport Museum and has good seating capacity.