Great great job on the run to Canary. I know it was long and tough but you all did it – and the margaritas at the end made it all worth it, right?!
We leave for Berlin in 2 and a half weeks. I’m hoping that’s starting to feel a bit more like “YAY!” rather than “YIKE!” Or maybe a bit of both. We are in the home stretch and you guys are STRONG. If you had to, you could do the race now. The next few weeks are just about making it easier.
Jess will be with you for tomorrow’s run.
Race Gear
Make sure you try out any clothing or gear you might possibly use during the race. We don’t know yet what the weather will be like (right now, for 28 March, my weather app shows high of 53F/11C, low of 37F/3C, so similar to London, but it could change and be cold or warm – I’ve seen both happen at the last minute in the past). It could be good to have a pair of cropped running tights if you don’t already have them, and do a run with them. Make sure you’ve tried running in a short sleeve shirt. And no new running bra on race day, of course. This is the same for any water belt or whatever. If you think you might want music because you’ll be sick of the coach talking in your ear, don’t forget to make a playlist. (really – one year I helped a friend in a panic on race morning because she thought she’d synched her phone with iTunes and it hadn’t worked and she hadn’t checked. I know that is olden days but you might want your Spotify tunes downloaded ahead of time in case having 30K runners messes with data!).
Trip Details
As the trip approaches, Micki and Sue will send more detailed emails about the weekend including timing and where to meet for meals, the tours, and anything else scheduled. They’ll also send some trip packing tips which I will emphasize and add to in a future email. If you have any questions at all about the race or the weekend, please don’t hesitate to ask. I know it can be scary not knowing how it’s all going to play out and we want to make you all feel as comfortable and psychologically ready as possible.
This Week
This week is a bit of a break week. This doesn’t mean we get to take it easy, unfortunately. It just means we don’t increase our time/distance. We are letting our bodies recover a bit from the last few long runs, giving the muscles time to repair before we move on.
We are going to run to Hyde Park and back and do about 90 minutes. Then we will meet up for coffee at Notes!
Lina – I’ll message with you later about possibly leaving a little early and doing a bit more since you missed last week – IF you are feeling up to it.