Well, what can I say? You guys ROCKED Wembley. I’m sorry that we couldn’t run to Wembley Stadium itself but that will be something you can look forward to next year when you’re running with the regular group

We are so incredibly proud of all of you and how far you’ve come. We have two more long runs to go and we know you can ALL do this.
WRW Quiz Night – this Wednesday 9 March, WRW is taking over the Warrington Pub for a quiz night and all of WRW are invited, regardless of if you’re going to the race. It’s going to be super fun. It’s £2 to do the quiz plus any food or drinks you order. Doors open at 6:30 and the quiz starts at 7:30. Here is the link to the Evite so you can RSVP! RSVP here
The Schedule
(this week) Week 28 Mar 10 – 120 min = Canary Wharf
Week 29 Mar 17 – 90 min = maybe Brick Lane
Week 30 Mar 22 – 130 min = Kew Gardens (this is a Tuesday)
Wednesday, March 23 – WRW pre-race coffee, 9:30 at Regent’s Bar and Kitchen
Week 31 Mar 31 – 45 min = easy run through Regents Park
A few things:
Right now, the weather in Berlin is looking similar to what we have had in London, maybe a touch warmer, which is good . So mid-50s F/11-13 C is what is predicted 10 days before the race, subject to change of course. You should be trying out what you think you might wear on the race over the two weeks. Make sure nothing rubs the wrong way, think about layers, and also some warmer weather things in case it’s warmer than we are used to. For layers, some people will buy a cheap outer layer that they plan to toss when they get hot so they don’t have to carry it. So think about whether you care if something is tied around your waist. My beginner year, I bought that cheap layer but I realized during the race that I was so used to having something around my waist that I didn’t care, so I kept it. Everyone is different, but think about what might work for you.
This week and for Kew, we will plan to take our gels while running (or maybe brisk walking). We need to practice – we do not plan to stop to take the gels during the race. Sometimes the gel packaging can be tricky – so just resort to pulling the tab off with your teeth if you have to. This is why we practice 🙂 We will take the gels about 60-70 min into the run.
OK – for the run, don’t forget:
- eat something before the run
- bring water
- bring a gel if you have one but we will have them, too
- bring your Oyster card/contactless
- bring money/credit card for breakfast burritos at Tortilla after the run!
Canary Wharf route
RunGo: https://routes.rungoapp.com/route/xvRFnBzFKF
Section One – Regents Park to the Canal
Run down Wellington Road to Prince Albert, cross using the zebra crossing and then head down to the mosque where you enter the park. At the light, cross the Outer Circle and enter the park, keeping to the left and going over the wooden bridge. Run straight and take a slight left (not a hard left) and run, crossing over one cross path and turning left at the second one. Run back over the Outer Circle, cross the canal and then take a right to go down onto the canal.
Section Two – Canal to the Wall
Run along the canal for approximately 3 miles until the canal pathway ends at the famous “Wall.”
Section Three – Angel Roads
We need to run through the Angel neighbourhood until we can re-enter the canal path. At the wall follow the ramp up to Muriel Street. Take a right and then an almost immediate left up a path that winds between the apartment buildings. See the picture below for the entrance to the path.

Keep going straight on the path and it will become Maygood Street. When you get to the intersection of a main road (Barnsbury Road) turn right. Run until you make the second left onto Chapel Market. (There is a metal archway saying Chapel Market and a zebra crossing at the intersection.) Follow Chapel Market until the end. (NB: There is a public Ladies Room at the end of White Conduit Street, which intersects with Chapel Market about midway.) Turn right at Liverpool Street to the major road Upper Street. Cross Upper Street and turn left. (NB: Angel Tube Station is to your right if you are going home from here.) Make your first right at Duncan Street and follow until the end. The entrance to the canal path will be directly in front of you. Go straight along the canal (NOT a sharp right turn.)
Section Four – Canal to Limehouse Basin
We run for about 4 miles following the canal path past Victoria Park to the Limehouse Basin. We exit the canal path at the wire looking bridge – see picture below – and take the brown brick steps up to the left.

Section Five – Limehouse Basin to Canary Wharf
At the top of the brick steps, go straight. At the Limehouse Gallery and Bronze Age shop turn right. Run along the water until you reach the second metal foot-bridge leading to a park. Cross the bridge and run through the park. After the park, you’ll run straight, under an arch and the water will be on your right. Run with the water on your right until you see the long flight of steps next to Royal China – see picture below. You’re almost there!

Run up the steps and run one full time around the traffic circle. [ALTERNATE – run past those steps, continuing along the water, to the end and turn around and go back to the steps] Then run a half circle and continue on as if you had run straight ahead from the steps, through the small park to India Drive and then veer slightly right along Cabot Square. You’re heading for the big skyscraper building in front of you. Stop when you see the sign for the Canary Wharf DLR Station at the ‘mall’ entrance on the South Colonnade. We’ll meet at the Tortilla inside the building, just right of the entrance. Yay!