So much fun seeing the lights with you all last week! It really is worth it to get up early for that run.
You may have noticed on our training schedule that we’re repeating a 60 minute run over and over again for 5 straight weeks. There is a method to that madness! We are trying to become very comfortable with an hour long run. Hopefully over the next 5 weeks, an hour long run will not be particularly overwhelming or worrisome. This is a fabulous place to be – being able to go out and run for an hour is empowering…. you’ll feel like Superwoman! The same can be said for the Tuesday run. The schedule has you running 45 minutes every Tuesday until late in January. Believe it or not, that 45 minute run will start to feel like a short jaunt. I’m serious!!!
Running over the holidays
Let’s talk about how to train over the holidays….. For those of you in town and able to join to run together, carry on with the 60 minute Thursday run, a 45 minute Tuesday run, and a 35 minute weekend run. If you are not here, it is ideal to still follow that schedule. However, if you are traveling and are not able to follow the normal schedule, try to run 2-3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. As long as nothing is hurting, the pace could be quicker than we normally do but doesn’t have to be. There is nothing wrong with holding a gentle pace and running only 30-45 minutes. If you are not able to run at all, let one of us know. Depending on your circumstances, we may slightly adjust the first 1-2 runs in January for you.
I will be back for Thursday 3 January and can run with anyone who is here, so let me know if you are around! You may have to drag ME around London since I’ll be flying in the night before, but it’s good to force yourself to get up, right?? But maybe a slightly later start…
This year, since we will miss 3 Thursdays during break, it is important that you try as hard as you can to keep up your running so you’re ready to hit the ground running (ha ha!) in January. If you’re not here – a little tip that works for me when I need to run on my own: schedule the runs. If you have on your calendar that you will be running for an hour on Wednesday starting at 9 am, you are much more likely to actually get out there and do it. And it will force you to make time for it instead of thinking, “Sometime in the next two days I will go run.” Tell your family when you are going – they will likely pester you about it if they are anything like mine. Make sure you check the weather before making your running appointment with yourself – you don’t want to have it be in the middle of a snowstorm! (Or maybe you do… good excuse to have to skip it??) Past year’s groups have sent each other photos on What’sApp to keep everyone motivated. I think they have had a lot of fun seeing where the group was running, whether on a tropical island, in the snow, or on a treadmill.
This week
For Thursday – our first run with no walk breaks. We know you can do it. YOU know you can do it. You have been running for about an hour for the past couple of weeks. And there will be plenty of red men along the way. We will take it nice and easy and before you know it, we will be back at Starbucks.
The route: Run down to Hyde Park via Lisson Grove/Seymour entering the park near Speaker’s Corner. The group will exit Hyde Park at Brook St. and run across to Regent St. The route turns north to run up to Regents Park then back to Starbucks.