Hello Beginners!
What a great job you all did last week running 10 minute intervals. Well done! This week we will be running 11 and 12 minute intervals and increasing our total running time to 47 minutes. Vicky has planned out a great route for us (as seen in the map below) that takes us past seven Paddington bears…

At this point in your training program you should start to incorporate a third run each week. Ideally, you should repeat our Thursday run on Tuesdays. Your third run should be shorter than the run we do on Thursdays. For these next few weeks the third run should be about 30 minutes of jogging time out of 40 or 45 minutes of total time (e.g. you could jog 7.5 minutes, walk 2, and repeat that 4 times, or jog 10/walk 2 and repeat that 3 times).
Regarding your pace… we have heard from several of you that the pace on Tuesdays is usually faster than the pace of our Thursday runs. This often happens because it is harder to self regulate. If you find the pace to be too fast, slow down, regardless of how fast the others in the group are going. We are training ourselves for endurance right now – speed is not an issue just yet. Naturally you may be feeling tired, but you should not be out of breath at any point.
Please let us know if you have any questions as we continue to send along more information each week. Keep up the great work. We are SO proud of all of you!!
Vicky and Meg
Beginner Note 16 Nov 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014